Extract Oracle JDK 8 in Windows(post 8u102)
I would like to extract jdk from exe and point to it in eclipe.
Extract JDK bin
Download JDK from oracle(http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html).
Extract exe file using 7-zip. It will be extracted to .rsrc directory.
Open command prompt and go to .rsrc directory.
Goto 1033\JAVA_CAB10 directory in .rsrc directory.
Run below command to extract cab.
extrac32 111
it is extracted to tools.zip in 1033\JAVA_CAB10.
Extract tools.zip using 7-zip. It will be extracted to tools directory.
Go to tools directory in 1033\JAVA_CAB10 directory.
Run below command to extract jar.
for /r %x in (*.pack) do .\bin\unpack200 -r "%x" "%~dx%~px%~nx.jar"
Extract src
Goto 1033\JAVA_CAB9 directory in .rsrc directory.
Run below command to extract cab.
extrac32 110
it is extracted to src.zip in 1033/JAVA_CAB9.
move src.zip to tools directory in 1033\JAVA_CAB10.